Baby and Toddler Group Afternoons

Currently our baby and toddler group is meeting at Pädagogische Ideenwerkstatt e.V. (Soderstrasse 16 in Darmstadt). If you are interested to join the group, please contact our group representative for more information:


Our group meets on Thursday afternoons and is run by our new group leader Róisín. We welcome parents and their children up to 3 years of age (and their older siblings)!

The focus of the group is to have fun whilst improving skills in areas such as language skills, hand-eye coordination, shape recognition and motor skills. We try to offer a structured environment and supportive atmosphere not only for group activities but also for when the children do things on their own. Naturally, due to the children’s age, we leave room to do as much of an activity as they like and parents are asked to help where their children need it.

Each session begins with some unstructured playtime where the children are free to explore and play with age appropriate toys. Then we read an English story and sing some English nursery rhymes. Sometimes we even dance a bit! If the weather is nice we might visit the nearby playground.

The group meets in Darmstadt at Pädagogische Ideenwerkstatt e.V. (Soderstrasse 16).

Anyone interested in stopping by should first contact the group rep to confirm when we will be meeting next.


English Classes

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Classes follow the Hessen German School plan for holidays.

For more information regarding these classes, please contact the English Classes Rep.

For those children who attend school, the English classes are considered part of a bilingual programme. As such evaluations are sent to these students’ schools for inclusion in their school reports.


Pre-School Group

Our pre-school group meets on Monday afternoons between 2:30pm and 4:30pm. This group is intended for children between the age of 3 and 5, who already have a good understanding of the English language.

The purpose of the group is to encourage the children’s communication and interactive skills in a small group of up to 8 children.

For every session our group leader picks a theme and organizes an activity to match. Quite often these activities are seasonal and the children for example use autumn leaves and chestnuts, or create lovely Christmas decorations.

After this the children have a snack together and can talk about the things they have created. Then they have time to play together, or maybe choose a game. Towards to end of the session a book is read to the children (often matching the theme) and they sing a song together.

The parents do not usually stay for the session, but there is a parent rota system to help the group leader with the preparation of the activities and the handing out of the snacks.

The pre-school group encourages the children to use their English, whilst having fun at the same time. The group meets at Mehrgenerationenhaus at Julius-Reiber-Strasse 22 in Darmstadt.

If you are interested in this group, please contact the group rep for further details.

Baby and Toddler Group Mornings

Currently we only meet on Thursday afternoons (see Baby and Toddler Group Afternoons)